Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hey you! My friend told me about the song Toxic by A Static Lullaby. I've fallen in love even though it's a Britney Spears cover. I've decided ultimately as a goal to stay happy without being in love. : ) So then that I can be independent and stand on my own two feet. I heard the words from my cousin Seang about how he hates girls who feel like they need a guy to rely on and can't be emotionally stable on their own. People should be pround of their feelings and believe in themselves because it's something that's their own. It's better to have honesty than be a liar. People shouldn't be punished for the way they feel. They should be accepted even if it goes against your opinions. Everybody has their own set of ideals, goals, and feel differently about things.

I want to be : confident, proud of myself, love myself, abstinent, single without being in love, independent

Staying single doesn't mean I can cast aside feelings either if I do start having feelings. Even so, I know those feelings won't be returned. I want to wait until I've achieved my goals and have reached my fullest potential. Be happy without having a lover, then find someone who will accept me. Both of us being our own individuals and still can be together at the same time. It depends. I contradict myself. I just know that the time will come. I want to find somebody that I will spend the rest of my life with, not just somebody to stay with for a little bit and have fun with them then become heartbroken or unhappy. I don't want to go down that road again. I want to be happy, abstinent, independent, and single. Grow to my fullest potential. Find confidence, happiness, and laughter.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

SkullCandy Double Agent 40MM Wireless Headphones

Hey you! For Christmas I want..


SkullCandy Double Agent 40MM Wireless Headphones w/ 1GB SD Card

If I do get these, I'll probably end up buying them with my own money. I'll replace the 1GB SD card with a 4GB SD card from my camera. :) I already formatted it anyways. I don't really take pictures much anymore. Not like I really want to remember anything anyways. But then again.. Maybe I could use it to remember to do something. I need to start using the stuff I already have more. XD I waste money too much. Pfft, but I like doing it. I love to indulge myself.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Plush Bear Slippers

Oh wow. I found plush bear slippers! :D It costs 12 bucks on ebay sadly.

yay! I finally found a bear pajama suit that looks sort of like lain's, but it's expensive. XD hehe

Iomega® Prestige 320GB Portable Hard Drive

I miss Jimmy! I wonder what he is doing right now. Even if I wrote to him, I would be unsure of what to write at all. Or if I was talking to him on the phone.. I wouldn't know what to say even. I'm going to my relative's house today for Thanksgiving. I really want my laptop fixed already. I need to make better decisions with money and other things for that matter in general.

I just got back from the thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's house. :) It was fun, and the food wasn't that goood. Cause turkey is dry, and I don't really like it. haha The only thing I like is mashed potatoes with gravy and steak. :D

Daddy just took me to radioshack near my school and bought me an external hard drive that has 320GB, we're going to pick it up on Saturday. haha I'm going to get it and then put Mabinogi on it. It also has a one year warranty that cost us 5 bucks. Dad took out an 100 dollar bill and it cost him 60.85 cents in total to buy me the IOMEGA 320GB Portable HardDrive! ^^ I'm happy, cause it means more space on my laptop that's soon be fixed, all I need left is an extended mini usb port thing. My laptop only has o ne usb slot, sadly. D: It's weird how daddy has spending a lot of money lately. Before he wouldn't really do that anymore. It's because last week he bought me a $30 Acoustic Guitar
and some picks. Plus other things as well. haha : D it's awesome, I feel bad for free-loading off of him though. xB It means I get play Mabinogi on my less space laptop. hehe And it's better than upgrading, too! :)
What I mean is something like this.. : D If your wondering why it's blue, it's cause blue is also my favorite color. blue, white, black or brown. ^^

Targus Mini USB 2.0 4-Port Hub - Blue (ACH102US-01)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I miss the ones I used to love. Robert, Kerry, Lily. I'm afraid to ever talk to any of them or become friends with any of them again for that matter because I think that if I do, it'll either lead to me liking them again or more pain than before. I don't want to go down any of those roads again and I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend either, so I want to stick to just concealing myself. I want to prevent any unnecessary feelings to come back again. I can't wait to go on that field-trip with Jimmy on December 9th! It's the day after I have to return the manga I'm reading, it's the first volume of Pet shop of Horrors lol! (which I haven't finished in a week) The things I like about my boyfriend is that he thinks differently than me and has more self control than I do. I practically have zero self control, none whatsoever! XD

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hey you! I've recently become infatuated with anything bear - colored nowadays or anything around that them. :) I'm falling in love with it. hehe<3 I've been going to Jimmy's house a lot too. We mostly hangout and do random stuff, but it's a lot of fun just being around him. He gets sick and tired of being in his house all the time. When it's me though.. The only reason I'd ever want to get out of the house is to go to his house. lol :) I'm pretty much used to staying home and doing nothing but use the computer and crap like that. I'm a straight - out lazy ass I guess. D: Pfft. I'm used to it though. :) I tend to worry about a lot of things and I'm a serious person most of the time. I get worried and scared of things quickly, but usually that doesn't stop me. Sometimes people tell me to call down because I get to over-excited over things like candy or food. haha :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weird dream.

I had a dream this morning where I woke up and Dean/Toby ( from my guitar class) was sleeping in a closet (with a sliding door) and I was asking him to have sex with me, but declined because he was too tired. Another part of the dream is that I was in cabin where there was snow all around outside in a blizzard-like environment and we were hiding away from enemies. But then at another part of the dream I saw the people who wanted to kill me (there were enemies riding on giant wolves) with their weapons at their sides.. They were violent and broke down the door on their giant wolves and killed everybody who was trying to protect me and by the time I woke up, I was the last one alive and cornered in the cabin surrounded by the people who wanted me dead.

Hell yeah!

I'm addicted to listening to Hadouken! ever since I watched ShaneDawson's videos. I put four of their songs on a data cd. I'll add more later on. hehe :)I even put a squid cursor for my computer too! It's super cute and blue<33 I'm going to customize everything on my computer. :) Cause it's fun!<3

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yeah.. XD

HeyI'm thinking of working afterschool with Dean with Mr. Shapiro so then that I can save up money to buy a cell phone and stuff. :) I think I'll tell daddy how much the computer was. He'll probably get really mad, but it just means that I'll be able to pay back my teacher as quickly as possible. :o I also need to do Mrs. Luckey's homework for english. I've been slacking off too much nowadays. Especially in Honors Chemistry. I couldn't understand anything in that class. I wonder what job I'll have when I'm older. I hope I won't be one of those damn prostitutes or anything. I'm too smart and stubborn for that. I don't get to talk to Garritt on the phone tonight because he's watching his dad play in his band. I think he's completely forgotten about me anyways. I keep on thinking about breaking up with him because it feels like it won't really work out. I don't think I'm a good match for him anyways. To me.. I think that he's boring and isn't really that interested in talk with me. It's hard to find what to talk about and he doesn't really listen to what I have to say. I'm not really sure if things will work out.. I keep on thinking.. That maybe there are other people who would be better than him that I could be with. I don't know. I shouldn't be concerned with that. I should be more concerned on work and school. That's what matters more. I just asked dad for $20 to pay back my teacher. I owe her approximately 182.19 I think. Blah. I'm absolutely in debt. I really think that I should work it off in Shapiro's class. haha.. Ah geez. I keep on thinking about other guys that I could be with. Dean.. Kevin.. (but it's all in imagination) Just because I think about or imagine myself in those situtations or if they liked me or not.. Doesn't mean that they do. I'm just imagining things and not thinking realistically. I need to control myself so then that I don't ruin it. Sometimes I start to not like Garritt because there's not much to talk about and when I try to talk to him about something.. He doesn't pay attention or says things vaguely instead of being more specific or straightforward. It bothers me. It irritates me so much. I just wish he would just try to be more talkative or want to talk to me or even just listen to me and tell me what he's thinking! Augh!

I should be happy though. I'm smart. Interesting. Talented. Beautiful. Cute. Sexy. I have an awesome computer(*cough cough* piece of crap), zune, and a great life. I should just try harder and be myself.

I'm in dance (with Mrs. Plescia), Guitar Class, and Enviromental Club. I want to do these things. I am interested in doing these things because I want to participate and try hard, even if I think that I'm not good at it. I'll keep on trying and do my best. :) I know that I can do it! I'm smart! I try hard.. I am determined!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hey you! I got my laptop yesterday and had a great day. I had a lot of fun in my guitar class and talked on the phone with Garritt. :) hehe <33 So I was in a really good moood.

Next that's supposed to come is my dress, stockings, and mouse! : D I want them to come already. D:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey you!

EGL Community

Lolita Fashion

Magatama Seller

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hey you!
DELL Latitude C640 1.8GHz 802.11g WIFI, CD-RW/DVD, SXGA

Total : $174.19
Blue RF Mini Optical Wireless Mouse Mini USB Receiver
Total : $8.00

Total of 2 Products : $182.19

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hey you!

Gloves = $9.95, $6.45 SHIPPING, TOTAL $16.04

Dress = $18.01, $9.99 SHIPPING, TOTAL $28.00

Stockings = $6.75 FREE SHIPPING, TOTAL $6.75

Shoes = $29.99, $25.00 SHIPPING, TOTAL $54.99

Laptop = $181.38, $27.99 SHIPPING, TOTAL $209.37

TOTAL AMOUNT : $315.15

Garritt Salazar<3>


Hey you! Haha I've got a new debt to pay off again. Laptop > Dell Inspiron, etc etc

Halloween > Lolita Babydoll : ) kawaii~<3>

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey you!

Dir En Grey (e-mail for size)


Blue Striped PUNK Skirt


Waist : 34"

Hip: 44 "

Length : 15.5 "

Blue Striped Lace Hat

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hey you! : ) I payed off my debt today and I got new jeans yesterday. : D I'm going to go to guitar class tomorrow. (2:00 - 4:00) I can't wait!<33 I'm so excited!! hehe

Berry Blue Free Shipping

Clear Crystal Case Cover Zune 8GB + CLIP

Zune Screen Protector

ACER One Aspire Battery Charger


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dad payed me $40 today.

89.09 - 40.00 = $49.09 owed

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hey you!
Spicy Macaroni&Cheese Recipe from L.A. Times

Thursday, September 3, 2009

MyTribe Installer

Hey you!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Brownie Stripedy Pillow

Stripedy brownie pillow


doggy pillow : )


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Learn Cuss Words in Jap :)

Just Thinkin’

It matters more to me to pay my teacher back already in full than to just buy other things and wait until later because that wouldn’t be right. :C IF I have the chance, then I should pay her like I’m supposed to do instead of being a stupid fuck. :/ She trusted me with even using her own money, so I should at least give her the money anyways.

New Juniors PINK or BLUE Skinny Low-rise Jeans 2X 19

$30.00 (ebay)

23 Phrases to Help You Fight Right


Please try to understand my point of view.

Wait, can I take that back?

You don’t have to solve this—it helps me just to talk to you.

This is important to me. Please listen.

I overreacted.

I see you’re in a tough position.

I can see my part in this.

I hadn’t thought of it that way before.

I could be wrong.

Let’s agree to disagree on that.

This isn’t just your problem; it’s our problem.

I’m feeling unappreciated. [Always, my craving for gold stars!]

We’re getting off the subject.

You’ve convinced me.

Let’s take a break for a few minutes. [If you can remember to do this, it’s extremely effective—especially if you’re having a big fight. After a break, it’s almost impossible to go back to yelling.]

Please keep talking to me.

I realize it's not your fault.

That came out all wrong.

I see how I contributed to the problem.

What are we really fighting about?

How can I make things better?

I’m sorry.

I love you.

23 Phrases to Help You Fight Right

Friday, August 7, 2009

$9.76 JVC Gumy Stereo Mini Headphones, Berry

Walmart – JVC Berry Blue Mini HeadPhones

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Crazy Night at the Library

One night something really sweaty happened at the library. The characters in the stories started running from their books!

baby bunny climbed into Charlotte's Web and started fucking with Wilbur the Pig! baby girl wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Sweeney, Texas!

The craziest part was when Chance wandered into Harry Potter and said, “Max, I don't think we're in California any more.”

Then Mrs. Man walked in and said, “well god damn!! Everybody back in place!”

The characters ran around the room. Just in time! The students in grade 12th came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Present Ideas (for my baby bunny)

It's not how deep you fish...It's how you wiggle your worm

:) *smiles*<3


Owes : $89.09

WishList :


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Uninstall Software Customizer and ReInstall

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

How do I get music from my zune onto my computer?

Yahoo Answers! -

How do I get music from my zune onto my computer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
If you have all of the files saved onto the computer you are hooking the Zune up to, and also have the Zune software downloaded ( to download if you don't) then it should be easy.

Just load the Zune software and click settings. There you should have the option of adding folders for the zune software to monitor for music files. Add the folder on your computer that contains the music you want and presto.

If you want the songs to be uploaded from your Zune device to the computer you are using, which is another interpretation of what you are trying to say, here is what I would try: First load the software, then plug in the device. After the software has registered the device, click the word device at the top then go to settings. Once in settings if you select "sync all music" and then press apply.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Evil USPS Numbers


Order Status



My Ebay Won

I watch it all go away~

“Learn from the past, live in the present, and plan for the future. Therefore what you did is now in the past. Learn from it and move forward. From what you did you know it hurt me and I know it hurt you to hurt me. So learn from it and make sure not to make the same mistake twice. ” – Kerry

Birds of Fire

You can’t force yourself to be/feel happy, but that is what matters the most in life. To try your best and move on when things get rough. Even when you make mistakes, or have flaws, it’s enough for people to still love you nevertheless. What does fault or bad feelings matter when you can’t even feel peace within yourself? It’s best to forgive and be open even in the beginning till the last of your tears fall. No matter what, last of your tears fall. No matter what, you’ve tried your hardest. Your eyes tired of the tears and a torn heart. It may die many times, but it leaves much more space for hope and love. To rise again like fire, fuel for the fire. Destroy all obstacles and consume us with passionate feelings. Forget the hurt and release the heart. Release the tears because it’s worth releasing the greatness that you can do. For the greatest feeling in the world. Smoke, steam, whatever you become, your still alive in many shapes and forms. Solid, air, and liquid. Body, soul, mind. In the end, what do faults/blaming and bad feelings matter if you have strong feelings? What matters more to you? Winning, losing, loving? The phoenix dies into ashes and is reborn into something even more beautiful. Their tears contain healing powers. We are the birds of fire.
The Birds of Fire (Hearts of Fire)
“You are not powerless. You have the power to change your own situation for the better and in your own favor.” - Kerry

Malt Balls

Minus The Bear – Burying Luck
In the Nightmare desert stood a building
Outside someone was digging a hole in the ground
For burying my luck
What Have You Done?
What have you done? Oh oh
What Have you done?
What Have you done?
The man in the hole has smoked up all my income
My better day has fallen away
And I watched it all like putting pins into a doll
What Have You Done?
What have you done? Oh oh
What Have you done?
What Have you done?
What Have You Done?
What have you done? Oh oh
What Have you done?
What Have you done?
The man in the hole has carried away the moonlight
Cupped in his hands, a dime on the water
He’s a patient man, as his careful stepping shows
Will he take her life (will he take her life)
Will he take her life (will he take her life)
Will his hands know what mine do?
Will her body lie. The Fate.
Will he take her life (will he take her life)
Will he take her life (will he take her life)
What Have You Done?
What have you done? Oh oh
What Have you done?
What Have you done?
What Have You Done?
What have you done? Oh oh
What Have you done?
What Have you done?

Can’t Wait To Get My Zune!
Change Zune Software Background. <3
I owe $89.09.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21st, 2009

Kerry<3 says (3:28 PM):
Do u ever have the feeling when u know u have found something amazing in ur life?
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:29 PM):
Yeah. : ) The kind of moment where you can't believe it but you know that you feel that way.
Kerry<3 says (3:30 PM):
I have been having that feeling alot lately.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:31 PM):
hehe.. so tell me about that feeling.
Kerry<3 says (3:34 PM):
Hmm its like a firework. When its shot into the air its looks cool with the long steak then it explodes in a shower of sparks and 
Beautiful colors and u sit there staring in aw thinking of how wonderful it is.
Kerry<3 says (3:35 PM):
Something that looked normal at first exploded into something better than i could ever have imagined.
U julie.
Kerry<3 says (3:37 PM):
After feeling horrible i found u and i experienced a level of happiness i have never known before.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:41 PM):
The fly is attacking me again. : C
Kerry<3 says (3:42 PM):
I have 2 go help my dad with his truck baby so i wont be able 2 respond for a bit.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:43 PM):
hehe okay : ) <33
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:45 PM):
*kiss* hahaha.. Baby bunny, make moar videos.

Your Laughter – Pablo Neruda

Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.
My struggle is harsh and I come back
with eyes tired
at times from having seen
the unchanging earth,
but when your laughter enters
it rises to the sky seeking me
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.
My love, in the darkest
hour your laughter
opens, and if suddenly
you see my blood staining
the stones of the street,
laugh, because your laughter
will be for my hands
like a fresh sword.
Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.
Laugh at the night,
at the day, at the moon,
laugh at the twisted
streets of the island,
laugh at this clumsy
boy who loves you,
but when I open
my eyes and close them,
when my steps go,
when my steps return,
deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die.

Heart or Mind

There mustn't be a reason
I just do the things I do
Maybe I can try it
But I just don't know who

We could try (ooh) (3x)

But maybe the birds would fall from the sky
A lifeless cycle
It eats away
Show your true colors
Sometimes I'm afraid
If you don't need it
Then just throw it away

We could try (ooh) (2x)

The lazy