Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21st, 2009

Kerry<3 says (3:28 PM):
Do u ever have the feeling when u know u have found something amazing in ur life?
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:29 PM):
Yeah. : ) The kind of moment where you can't believe it but you know that you feel that way.
Kerry<3 says (3:30 PM):
I have been having that feeling alot lately.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:31 PM):
hehe.. so tell me about that feeling.
Kerry<3 says (3:34 PM):
Hmm its like a firework. When its shot into the air its looks cool with the long steak then it explodes in a shower of sparks and 
Beautiful colors and u sit there staring in aw thinking of how wonderful it is.
Kerry<3 says (3:35 PM):
Something that looked normal at first exploded into something better than i could ever have imagined.
U julie.
Kerry<3 says (3:37 PM):
After feeling horrible i found u and i experienced a level of happiness i have never known before.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:41 PM):
The fly is attacking me again. : C
Kerry<3 says (3:42 PM):
I have 2 go help my dad with his truck baby so i wont be able 2 respond for a bit.
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:43 PM):
hehe okay : ) <33
Julie / Sweet NightFall says (3:45 PM):
*kiss* hahaha.. Baby bunny, make moar videos.