Friday, July 24, 2009

How do I get music from my zune onto my computer?

Yahoo Answers! -

How do I get music from my zune onto my computer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
If you have all of the files saved onto the computer you are hooking the Zune up to, and also have the Zune software downloaded ( to download if you don't) then it should be easy.

Just load the Zune software and click settings. There you should have the option of adding folders for the zune software to monitor for music files. Add the folder on your computer that contains the music you want and presto.

If you want the songs to be uploaded from your Zune device to the computer you are using, which is another interpretation of what you are trying to say, here is what I would try: First load the software, then plug in the device. After the software has registered the device, click the word device at the top then go to settings. Once in settings if you select "sync all music" and then press apply.

Hope this helps.