Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Birds of Fire

You can’t force yourself to be/feel happy, but that is what matters the most in life. To try your best and move on when things get rough. Even when you make mistakes, or have flaws, it’s enough for people to still love you nevertheless. What does fault or bad feelings matter when you can’t even feel peace within yourself? It’s best to forgive and be open even in the beginning till the last of your tears fall. No matter what, last of your tears fall. No matter what, you’ve tried your hardest. Your eyes tired of the tears and a torn heart. It may die many times, but it leaves much more space for hope and love. To rise again like fire, fuel for the fire. Destroy all obstacles and consume us with passionate feelings. Forget the hurt and release the heart. Release the tears because it’s worth releasing the greatness that you can do. For the greatest feeling in the world. Smoke, steam, whatever you become, your still alive in many shapes and forms. Solid, air, and liquid. Body, soul, mind. In the end, what do faults/blaming and bad feelings matter if you have strong feelings? What matters more to you? Winning, losing, loving? The phoenix dies into ashes and is reborn into something even more beautiful. Their tears contain healing powers. We are the birds of fire.
The Birds of Fire (Hearts of Fire)
“You are not powerless. You have the power to change your own situation for the better and in your own favor.” - Kerry