Thursday, November 26, 2009

Plush Bear Slippers

Oh wow. I found plush bear slippers! :D It costs 12 bucks on ebay sadly.

yay! I finally found a bear pajama suit that looks sort of like lain's, but it's expensive. XD hehe

Iomega® Prestige 320GB Portable Hard Drive

I miss Jimmy! I wonder what he is doing right now. Even if I wrote to him, I would be unsure of what to write at all. Or if I was talking to him on the phone.. I wouldn't know what to say even. I'm going to my relative's house today for Thanksgiving. I really want my laptop fixed already. I need to make better decisions with money and other things for that matter in general.

I just got back from the thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's house. :) It was fun, and the food wasn't that goood. Cause turkey is dry, and I don't really like it. haha The only thing I like is mashed potatoes with gravy and steak. :D

Daddy just took me to radioshack near my school and bought me an external hard drive that has 320GB, we're going to pick it up on Saturday. haha I'm going to get it and then put Mabinogi on it. It also has a one year warranty that cost us 5 bucks. Dad took out an 100 dollar bill and it cost him 60.85 cents in total to buy me the IOMEGA 320GB Portable HardDrive! ^^ I'm happy, cause it means more space on my laptop that's soon be fixed, all I need left is an extended mini usb port thing. My laptop only has o ne usb slot, sadly. D: It's weird how daddy has spending a lot of money lately. Before he wouldn't really do that anymore. It's because last week he bought me a $30 Acoustic Guitar
and some picks. Plus other things as well. haha : D it's awesome, I feel bad for free-loading off of him though. xB It means I get play Mabinogi on my less space laptop. hehe And it's better than upgrading, too! :)
What I mean is something like this.. : D If your wondering why it's blue, it's cause blue is also my favorite color. blue, white, black or brown. ^^

Targus Mini USB 2.0 4-Port Hub - Blue (ACH102US-01)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I miss the ones I used to love. Robert, Kerry, Lily. I'm afraid to ever talk to any of them or become friends with any of them again for that matter because I think that if I do, it'll either lead to me liking them again or more pain than before. I don't want to go down any of those roads again and I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend either, so I want to stick to just concealing myself. I want to prevent any unnecessary feelings to come back again. I can't wait to go on that field-trip with Jimmy on December 9th! It's the day after I have to return the manga I'm reading, it's the first volume of Pet shop of Horrors lol! (which I haven't finished in a week) The things I like about my boyfriend is that he thinks differently than me and has more self control than I do. I practically have zero self control, none whatsoever! XD

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hey you! I've recently become infatuated with anything bear - colored nowadays or anything around that them. :) I'm falling in love with it. hehe<3 I've been going to Jimmy's house a lot too. We mostly hangout and do random stuff, but it's a lot of fun just being around him. He gets sick and tired of being in his house all the time. When it's me though.. The only reason I'd ever want to get out of the house is to go to his house. lol :) I'm pretty much used to staying home and doing nothing but use the computer and crap like that. I'm a straight - out lazy ass I guess. D: Pfft. I'm used to it though. :) I tend to worry about a lot of things and I'm a serious person most of the time. I get worried and scared of things quickly, but usually that doesn't stop me. Sometimes people tell me to call down because I get to over-excited over things like candy or food. haha :)