Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weird dream.

I had a dream this morning where I woke up and Dean/Toby ( from my guitar class) was sleeping in a closet (with a sliding door) and I was asking him to have sex with me, but declined because he was too tired. Another part of the dream is that I was in cabin where there was snow all around outside in a blizzard-like environment and we were hiding away from enemies. But then at another part of the dream I saw the people who wanted to kill me (there were enemies riding on giant wolves) with their weapons at their sides.. They were violent and broke down the door on their giant wolves and killed everybody who was trying to protect me and by the time I woke up, I was the last one alive and cornered in the cabin surrounded by the people who wanted me dead.

Hell yeah!

I'm addicted to listening to Hadouken! ever since I watched ShaneDawson's videos. I put four of their songs on a data cd. I'll add more later on. hehe :)I even put a squid cursor for my computer too! It's super cute and blue<33 I'm going to customize everything on my computer. :) Cause it's fun!<3

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yeah.. XD

HeyI'm thinking of working afterschool with Dean with Mr. Shapiro so then that I can save up money to buy a cell phone and stuff. :) I think I'll tell daddy how much the computer was. He'll probably get really mad, but it just means that I'll be able to pay back my teacher as quickly as possible. :o I also need to do Mrs. Luckey's homework for english. I've been slacking off too much nowadays. Especially in Honors Chemistry. I couldn't understand anything in that class. I wonder what job I'll have when I'm older. I hope I won't be one of those damn prostitutes or anything. I'm too smart and stubborn for that. I don't get to talk to Garritt on the phone tonight because he's watching his dad play in his band. I think he's completely forgotten about me anyways. I keep on thinking about breaking up with him because it feels like it won't really work out. I don't think I'm a good match for him anyways. To me.. I think that he's boring and isn't really that interested in talk with me. It's hard to find what to talk about and he doesn't really listen to what I have to say. I'm not really sure if things will work out.. I keep on thinking.. That maybe there are other people who would be better than him that I could be with. I don't know. I shouldn't be concerned with that. I should be more concerned on work and school. That's what matters more. I just asked dad for $20 to pay back my teacher. I owe her approximately 182.19 I think. Blah. I'm absolutely in debt. I really think that I should work it off in Shapiro's class. haha.. Ah geez. I keep on thinking about other guys that I could be with. Dean.. Kevin.. (but it's all in imagination) Just because I think about or imagine myself in those situtations or if they liked me or not.. Doesn't mean that they do. I'm just imagining things and not thinking realistically. I need to control myself so then that I don't ruin it. Sometimes I start to not like Garritt because there's not much to talk about and when I try to talk to him about something.. He doesn't pay attention or says things vaguely instead of being more specific or straightforward. It bothers me. It irritates me so much. I just wish he would just try to be more talkative or want to talk to me or even just listen to me and tell me what he's thinking! Augh!

I should be happy though. I'm smart. Interesting. Talented. Beautiful. Cute. Sexy. I have an awesome computer(*cough cough* piece of crap), zune, and a great life. I should just try harder and be myself.

I'm in dance (with Mrs. Plescia), Guitar Class, and Enviromental Club. I want to do these things. I am interested in doing these things because I want to participate and try hard, even if I think that I'm not good at it. I'll keep on trying and do my best. :) I know that I can do it! I'm smart! I try hard.. I am determined!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hey you! I got my laptop yesterday and had a great day. I had a lot of fun in my guitar class and talked on the phone with Garritt. :) hehe <33 So I was in a really good moood.

Next that's supposed to come is my dress, stockings, and mouse! : D I want them to come already. D:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey you!

EGL Community

Lolita Fashion

Magatama Seller

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hey you!
DELL Latitude C640 1.8GHz 802.11g WIFI, CD-RW/DVD, SXGA

Total : $174.19
Blue RF Mini Optical Wireless Mouse Mini USB Receiver
Total : $8.00

Total of 2 Products : $182.19

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hey you!

Gloves = $9.95, $6.45 SHIPPING, TOTAL $16.04

Dress = $18.01, $9.99 SHIPPING, TOTAL $28.00

Stockings = $6.75 FREE SHIPPING, TOTAL $6.75

Shoes = $29.99, $25.00 SHIPPING, TOTAL $54.99

Laptop = $181.38, $27.99 SHIPPING, TOTAL $209.37

TOTAL AMOUNT : $315.15

Garritt Salazar<3>


Hey you! Haha I've got a new debt to pay off again. Laptop > Dell Inspiron, etc etc

Halloween > Lolita Babydoll : ) kawaii~<3>