Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hey you! My friend told me about the song Toxic by A Static Lullaby. I've fallen in love even though it's a Britney Spears cover. I've decided ultimately as a goal to stay happy without being in love. : ) So then that I can be independent and stand on my own two feet. I heard the words from my cousin Seang about how he hates girls who feel like they need a guy to rely on and can't be emotionally stable on their own. People should be pround of their feelings and believe in themselves because it's something that's their own. It's better to have honesty than be a liar. People shouldn't be punished for the way they feel. They should be accepted even if it goes against your opinions. Everybody has their own set of ideals, goals, and feel differently about things.

I want to be : confident, proud of myself, love myself, abstinent, single without being in love, independent

Staying single doesn't mean I can cast aside feelings either if I do start having feelings. Even so, I know those feelings won't be returned. I want to wait until I've achieved my goals and have reached my fullest potential. Be happy without having a lover, then find someone who will accept me. Both of us being our own individuals and still can be together at the same time. It depends. I contradict myself. I just know that the time will come. I want to find somebody that I will spend the rest of my life with, not just somebody to stay with for a little bit and have fun with them then become heartbroken or unhappy. I don't want to go down that road again. I want to be happy, abstinent, independent, and single. Grow to my fullest potential. Find confidence, happiness, and laughter.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

SkullCandy Double Agent 40MM Wireless Headphones

Hey you! For Christmas I want..


SkullCandy Double Agent 40MM Wireless Headphones w/ 1GB SD Card

If I do get these, I'll probably end up buying them with my own money. I'll replace the 1GB SD card with a 4GB SD card from my camera. :) I already formatted it anyways. I don't really take pictures much anymore. Not like I really want to remember anything anyways. But then again.. Maybe I could use it to remember to do something. I need to start using the stuff I already have more. XD I waste money too much. Pfft, but I like doing it. I love to indulge myself.