Monday, August 24, 2009

Brownie Stripedy Pillow

Stripedy brownie pillow


doggy pillow : )


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Learn Cuss Words in Jap :)

Just Thinkin’

It matters more to me to pay my teacher back already in full than to just buy other things and wait until later because that wouldn’t be right. :C IF I have the chance, then I should pay her like I’m supposed to do instead of being a stupid fuck. :/ She trusted me with even using her own money, so I should at least give her the money anyways.

New Juniors PINK or BLUE Skinny Low-rise Jeans 2X 19

$30.00 (ebay)

23 Phrases to Help You Fight Right


Please try to understand my point of view.

Wait, can I take that back?

You don’t have to solve this—it helps me just to talk to you.

This is important to me. Please listen.

I overreacted.

I see you’re in a tough position.

I can see my part in this.

I hadn’t thought of it that way before.

I could be wrong.

Let’s agree to disagree on that.

This isn’t just your problem; it’s our problem.

I’m feeling unappreciated. [Always, my craving for gold stars!]

We’re getting off the subject.

You’ve convinced me.

Let’s take a break for a few minutes. [If you can remember to do this, it’s extremely effective—especially if you’re having a big fight. After a break, it’s almost impossible to go back to yelling.]

Please keep talking to me.

I realize it's not your fault.

That came out all wrong.

I see how I contributed to the problem.

What are we really fighting about?

How can I make things better?

I’m sorry.

I love you.

23 Phrases to Help You Fight Right

Friday, August 7, 2009

$9.76 JVC Gumy Stereo Mini Headphones, Berry

Walmart – JVC Berry Blue Mini HeadPhones

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Crazy Night at the Library

One night something really sweaty happened at the library. The characters in the stories started running from their books!

baby bunny climbed into Charlotte's Web and started fucking with Wilbur the Pig! baby girl wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Sweeney, Texas!

The craziest part was when Chance wandered into Harry Potter and said, “Max, I don't think we're in California any more.”

Then Mrs. Man walked in and said, “well god damn!! Everybody back in place!”

The characters ran around the room. Just in time! The students in grade 12th came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.